  • Health checks
  • Health checks

Live-saving benefits of health checks

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We often take our health for granted, especially when nothing seems to be wrong. Until it’s gone. No matter how old you are or whether you're male or female, regular health checks are vital for your overall health. Why? They are the foundation of preventive care. They help catch health problems earlier, making treatments more effective.

Why is regular health screening so important?

Health check-ups are not only a preventive measure for disease, but also offer peace of mind by providing reassurance about your current health status. By having your health checked periodically, you can identify any signs of health issues before they become more serious, reducing the likelihood of complications, improving your overall well-being.

Health checks and medicine use

It's advisable to monitor your health regularly when taking medications such as blood pressure reducers, cholesterol medications, diabetes medications and certain antidepressants. These types of medications can cause side effects that may be harmful to your health. Having regular health checks allows to identify and address potential side effects in a timely manner. What’s more, periodic monitoring helps healthcare providers assess the effectiveness of the medication and adjust the dosage as needed. When your doctor prescribes a medication, be sure to ask what specific health checks should be conducted to minimise health risks.

These check-ups are vital for keeping your finger on the pulse of your health!  

What are the different types of health checks?

There are various ways to assess a person’s overall health, ranging from simple tests such as blood pressure screening or blood sugar checks to specialised procedures, such as blood tests, urine tests and eye exams.  There are also specific examinations for women, such as gynaecological check-ups and mammograms, which should be performed from a certain age. Examinations of cardiovascular and respiratory systems are also important. 

Want to find out more? The article ‘Essential health checks for everyone’ discusses this topic in more depth. 

How does a health check work?

One of the best things you can do for your health is to ask your GP for a routine screening. Based on your medical history and complaints, your doctor will determine which specific check-ups are needed.

How often should you have routine check-ups?

Don't wait for symptoms to appear before taking care of your health, but visit a doctor regularly, even if you feel healthy. Some checks and tests should be performed annually or once every couple of years. Many factors, such as your family history, age, health and lifestyle choices, impact on how often you need check-ups.

When should you start with health check-ups?

  • Adults are advised to have regular health check-ups from the age of 18. These checks include blood pressure screening, cholesterol tests, blood sugar tests and other exams depending on a person’s age and risk factors. 
  • Specific screenings, such as a mammogram for breast cancer and colonoscopy for colon cancer, are often recommended from a certain age, usually starting at age 45. 
  • Older adults should continue to get regular health screening for age-related conditions, such as high blood pressure, osteoporosis and cognitive impairment. 
  • Additional screenings and tests may be recommended based on age and individual health risks. 

How to self-monitor your health

There are also things you can do on our own to keep tabs on your health. In addition to regular health checks by health professionals, it's important to be aware of changes in your body. Self-monitoring can be an effective way to detect potential health issues at an early stage. You can use self-monitoring devices at home to check your blood pressure, heart rate, temperature, breathing and BMI. Self-monitoring allows you to be actively involved in your own healthcare. 

Read more about this topic in our article: ‘The importance of early detection and self-monitoring'. 

How often should you have routine check-ups? It's important to keep tabs on your health and to reflect on when you last had a check-up. Taking charge of your health in a proactive manner can make a huge difference in terms of early detection and staying healthy. 

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